Sold to Massachusetts






Blackjack is big and he is stout! Cole black five year old black gelding that has an outstanding pedigree! This is a very fun, solid and well broke horse to ride! He stays between the bridle reins at all times and super easy to que! We highly enjoy riding this gelding out on the ranch, he is sure footed and just a solid ride and is good in the hills. He stays gentle and level headed and goes anywhere he is pointed. Take him out alone or with other horses, he is always the same. We have gathered the longhorns in the pastured and checked fence on him across the ranch. Blackjack has an easy lead change, nice turns, a great stop and pretty circles in the arena. Will side pass right up to the gate to open and close. Drag logs and will cross them. Blackjack has a silly personality and will just put a smile on your face while riding him in the arena or out in the big country! He stands 15.1 hands.

Sire:Hashtags Metallic Cat High Brow Cat
Chers Shadow
Dual Rey Tag Dual Rey
Playin Tag
Dam: Dillons Skarlet Chic Matt Dillon Dun It Hollywood Dun It
Rosalie Dillon
Scarlets Smart Chic Smart Chic Olena
Prices Scarlet Leo